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Pupil Zone

Year 6


Mr Smith - Teacher and Y4-6 AHT

Miss Jones - Teacher

Mrs Lamb - Learning Support

Miss Roberts - Learning Support


Year 6 Class names and author link

Our Year 6 classes are named after two popular authors.

6 Morpurgo

6 Rowling

Year 6 start and end of day handover information

Pupils are dropped and collected from main school entrance.

Handover at start of the school day

All children must be accompanied onto school site by an appropriate adult and observed entering the school site. This is a parental responsibility. NO children should walk to school unaccompanied.

Collection from school at the end of the school day

All children will be collected by an appropriate adult at the end of the school day. Only pupils within year 6 with pre-agreed signed consent and/or parent letter may be released at the end of the school day unsupervised. This does NOT apply at the end of an after-school activity or events that ends after the regular end of the school day e.g. after a disco, late return from a school trip. In the rare situations when children behave inappropriately when walking home unaccompanied outside of school, school will enforce adult collection at the end of the school day.

These are extracts from our Safeguarding Policy.

Keeping Year 6 pupils safe 

Mobile phones in school

Mobile phones are not allowed in school unless there are exceptional reasons, which need to be put in writing by the Parent/Carer to the Headteacher.  In these unusual situations, the phone is turned off and handed to the office at the start of the day and collected at the end of the day.

Any mobile phone found in school without permission will be confiscated and parents will be contacted. This rule applies for all extra-curricular activities, e.g., discos, residentials, etc.

It would never be appropriate for a mobile phone to be concealed in school and used to contact home or 3rd parties during the school day. Given the context of use this could lead to a fixed term exclusion.

Smart watches

Smart Watches are not allowed in school. The only watches that are appropriate are those with limited functionality i.e. tell the time. The ‘Smart Watches’ not allowed in school are watches that have similar functions to a mobile phone such as a camera, messaging system, ability to record conversations etc.

 Any Smart Watch found in school will be confiscated, stored in the school office and will be returned to the pupil at the end of the school day.

These are extracts from our Behaviour Policy.

Protective behaviours 

We have a Protective Behaviours culture and children regularly identify and update their Network Hand. This ensures that children know which adults they can approach if they are worried, however ‘awful or small’.

Proactive social media reminders

We send regular and proactive reminders to parents regarding social media and always request you check pupil devices regularly and have full access to all their devices and accounts. By working together in this way we work towards keeping pupils safe.

Learning 4 Life 

Our Learning for Life lessons allow us to be proactive with teaching children how to keep themselves safe, learn about relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education.

Year 6 Curriculum overview  including KS2.5 curriculum

English Curriculum and key texts

We use key texts to motivate and engage learners. In autumn term we focus on 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne.  In spring term we focus on 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. In the summer term our focus is 'Write Around the World'. We visit different continents and explore key individuals such as 'Malala' and or diverse issues such as the 'Rain Forest'.




Mathematics Curriculum

We have made a conscious decision to use White Rose as a product; however, we have created our own curriculum overview for Maths. Teachers will use this curriculum overview to deliver the majority of the units outlined within each strand, using White Rose as a supporting resource (example of the curriculum overview is below). As teachers follow the learning journey, pupils will experience mathematics through the CPA and Singapore Maths approach. This ensures that mathematics remains pictorial and enables pupils to use a variety of strategies to solve problems – thus removing barriers and ensuring mathematics is accessible to all. The curriculum has been specifically designed to give pupils the time to master each skill. Early mastery of skills is also encouraged, as skills from the following year group have been naturally linked to, which removes the ceiling on learning outcomes.

There are mathematical units that will be taught using a cross-curricular approach. Pupils should expect to be taught statistics and time through other areas of the curriculum, such as Geography and Science. This enables children to see that mathematics is not a stand-alone subject and has an impact within other subject areas. This also allows for more time within mathematics lessons to teach other units in greater detail and address any misconceptions or gaps in knowledge.

Curriculum subjects

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Art 3D Sculpture Collage Key Stage 2.5

Online safety


Coding Key Stage 2.5
Design Technology Moving toys Nutrition Key Stage 2.5
Geography The UK

Planet Earth

Compare and contrast the UK and beyond

Key Stage 2.5
History World War 2 Crime and Punishment Key Stage 2.5
Learning 4 Life

Proud to be me

Protective behaviours

Aiming High

Fit 4 Life

Perfect Planet
Modern Foreign Languages

Understand cultures and traditions in Spanish speaking countries.

Identify numbers to 30.

Describe hair and eye colour.

Describe family members.

Give opinions on sports and pets. 

Learn and perform a Spanish song.

Key Stage 2.5

Music Pop music Folk music Key Stage 2.5
Physical Education





Outdoor Adventurous Activities


Key Stage 2.5

Religious Education


Christian Aid and Islamic Relief

Hindu, Jewish and Islamic prayer

For Christians, what kind of king was Jesus?

Key Stage 2.5



Evolution and Inheritance 

Animals, including humans

Key Stage 2.5

KS2.5 Transition curriculum

During the summer term, Year 6 pupils complete a thematic portfolio of work based on 'The Titanic'. Pupils will complete work in all subject areas, around this theme, which will then transition with the pupils to their secondary school setting. 

At the start of the next academic year, as pupils begin Year 7, the thematic unit will continue. Pupils will complete more of their portfolio, based on a topic that they have begun studying with us at Temple Meadow. 

Transition to a secondary setting can be a time of mixed emotions. This Key Stage 2.5 portfolio is designed to build pupil confidence, as pupils will begin their Year 7 learning journey with a topic that they already have knowledge about. 

Preparing for KS2 SATS

During Year 6, pupils sit the statutory KS2 SATS tests in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We support pupils in a holistic way by ensuring they are well-prepared, both in terms of learning but also in terms of mental health and well-being.

In Year 6, we adapt the timetable to meet pupil needs, and we build in booster groups to support learner needs. Throughout the year we expose pupils to mock SATS tests and SATS test conditions so that there are no undue worries or surprises.

In exercise books we move away from Learning Ladder assessment and pupils become familiar with TAFs (Teaching Assessment Framework) that are found in their English books. Pupils become very aware of their successes and next steps. 

The timetable for SATs week, for the 2021-22 academic year, is as follows:

Monday 9 May 2022 English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 10 May 2022 English reading
Wednesday 11 May 2022 Mathematics papers 1 and 2
Thursday 12 May 2022 Mathematics paper 3


SATs Breakfast

During SATs week, as detailed above, pupils are invited to attend SATs breakfast club. 

Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to attend school from 07:45 on each day of the SATs assessments (Monday - Thursday). If attending breakfast club, pupils will be provided with food and a relaxed atmosphere, with their peers and teaching team, to ensure they are fully prepared for the assessment(s) for that day. 

At Temple Meadow, we really value our SATs breakfast club, as we can ensure that any anxieties are managed and pupils are fully settled in to the day before the assessment begins. 

The Year 6 SATs breakfast club is free of charge. 

Transition into Y6 and moving onto secondary school

We ensure very supportive and effective transition into Year 6  from Year 5 and supporting children as they move on into Secondary School. In our curriculum information above you will find details of the Key Stage 2.5 curriculum that supports transition.

Transition from Year 5 into Year 6

In the final half of the summer term, when pupils are in Year 5, we run a 'Year 6 Boot Camp'. This has proven to be really successful. We use our Learning 4 Life (L4L) - 'Aiming High' session to talk about what pupils aim to achieve by the end of Year 6. We create a positive mindset in which pupils think about being the best version of themselves. Although still in Year 5 and remaining with the Year 5 teaching team, we issue brand-new exercise books as we roll out effectively an early half-term under Year 6 learning conditions. All these books move through with pupils into Year 6, and we know this year this accelerated progress and attainment and general settling into Year 6 expectations.

Transition from Year 6 into High School

We have excellent relationships with our feeder schools, and we work with them on ensuring pupils are well-prepared for this important transition. Throughout the year there are events and transition days, so that pupils become familiar with their new settings. Pupils with additional needs are offered additional transition support. Year 6 teachers work with staff from secondary schools and complete a full and comprehensive holistic handover of pupil information. The DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) ensures all safeguarding records are handed over to the new setting as part of our robust data transfer processes.

Year 6 Reading and Home learning 

As a school we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised scheme. If your child did not pass the Phonic screening test in Years 1 and 2, they will be in a Phonic catch up intervention. This means your child will bring home a reading Phonic practice book to match their reading level. Your child will be heard to read twice a week and a stamp will be given in their reading record to show this with their books being changed weekly. 

Children who are not on Phonics will be given a book to match their reading age from our Nelson assessment. Again children will be heard read to read once a week and a stamp will be given in their reading record to show this with their books changed weekly. 

If your child is reading their book with little help, please don't worry that it's too easy-your child needs to develop fluency and confidence in reading. 

Listen to them read the book each night and write a comment in their reading record. Remember to give them lots of praise-celebrate their success. If they cannot read a word, read it to them. After they have finished, talk about the book together and use the questions and prompts in the back of the book. 

If your child has a reading age of ten or above, they will get to choose a book from our free reader section from the school library. Children will be heard to read once every three weeks and will change their books. 

All pupils have been issued with a SATs revision guide. Each week, pupils will be given a number of pages to complete from each revision guide, typically including:

  • One mathematics task.
  • One grammar or punctuation task. 
  • One spelling task.
  • One reading comprehension task.

The revision guides issued to pupils ask questions similarly to that of their SATs assessments. Therefore, completing the tasks issued as homework provide valuable knowledge to pupils. 

At the start of the academic year, the answer pages are removed form the revision guides and then sent home to parents/carers. 

Should any of the Year 6 pupils need support with their home learning, the Year 6 teaching team can provide this throughout the week. 

Homework will be issued on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. 

Water bottles and snacks 

Children should make sure they bring a reusable water bottle into school daily - this must only contain water. Children can make use of our water fountains to refill bottles.

We encourage healthy snacks for break time.

PE Days and kit 

P.E. Kit Reminder

  • Black or navy shorts and a white t-shirt, or black or navy tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts. Tracksuits must be plain and not have logos. 
  • Properly fitting black pumps or plimsolls. 
  • No jewellery to be worn. 
  • Everything should be labelled with child's name. 
  • P.E. kit should be in school every day. 

Year 6 Parental support and engagement 

Throughout the year, the Year 6 teaching team will provide workshops to inform all Year 6 parents/carers of the expectations set of pupils thought their Year 6 journey.

Support at home is a vital part of pupils achieving success. 

How to support your child:

  • First and foremost, support and reassure your child that there is nothing to worry about, and they should always just try their best. Praise and encourage. 
  • Ensure your child has the best possible attendance at school.
  • Support your child with the weekly completion of the pages set in their revision guides.
  • Support your child to learn the weekly spellings that are sent home.
  • Regular arithmetic (e.g. times tables) rehearsal.
  • Listen to your child read regularly and ask questions about the text.
  • Talk to your child about what they have learnt at school and what book(s) they are reading (the character, the plot, their opinion).
  • Make sure your child has a good sleep and healthy breakfast every morning.

How to support your child with writing:

  • Encourage opportunities for writing such as letters to family or friends, shopping lists, notes or reminders, stories or poems.
  • Write together.
  • Encourage the use of a dictionary to check spelling and a thesaurus to find synonyms and expand vocabulary.
  • Allow your child to use a computer for word processing, which will allow for editing and correcting of errors without lots of crossing out.
  • Remember that good readers become good writers. Identify good writing features when reading (e.g. vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation).
  • Show your appreciation: praise and encourage, even for small successes.

Year 6 residential experience

At the beginning of the academic year, Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to attend a residential visit to Kingswood, Staffordshire. The purpose of the visit it to provide pupils with new experiences, whilst encouraging independence, increasing confidence and building relationships and communication skills; all incredibly important skills when aiming for success at the end of their Year 6 journey and then transitioning into Year 7.


Typically, pupils will take part in 7-9 activities a day. An example of a residential timetable is below:


All meals are nutritionally balanced and meet the latest Government standards on children's meals.

A varied choice is always offered, with both hot and cold meals, a salad bar, at least one vegetarian option and yes, sometimes even chips!

Plenty of juice and water is available at all times

Most dietary requirements can be catered for as long as we are told in advance - forms will be issued to the group prior to your visit for this purpose and to establish any medical needs.

Sleep and Dormitory Rooms/Corridors 

To finish off each day, hot chocolate is served on request before students return to their dorms. Plenty of sleep is required to recharge their batteries, so lights are usually turned out by 21:30.

All residential dormitories are warm, comfortable and 100% secure.

Girls and boys sleep in separate areas and teachers rooms are located close by to allow for supervision. 

All bedding is provided at the centre - one of the very first tasks for all students is making up their own beds!

Separate showers and toilet facilities are available for girls and boys.

Staffordshire accommodates pupils in 6-12 bed dormitories.

Transition links below:

Sandwell Parent Portal

Parent guide

2023/24 admission statistics

Just Youth transition

Contact Us

Temple Meadow Primary School
Wrights Lane
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 6RH

01384 569 021