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Pupil Zone

Star of the Week


Star Winner

1D Moise
1T Joseph
2D -
2G Mama
3F Zephyr
3S Ajla
4A Jess
4C Esme
5P Emilia
5R Arthur
6M All of 6M
6R All of 6R

Star of the week is a key award at Temple Meadow. Teachers, pupils and parents are very proud when a child achieves this. Certificates are awarded in a weekly assembly and parents /carers are invited to join us. 

Star of the Week is awarded to one pupil per class in Y1-Y6.

The Star of the Week pupil gets the following rewards:

  • Certificate presented in Star Assembly
  • To sit on a chair in assemblies during the week they are Star
  • To walk at the front of the class line.

Star of the Week in Reception is awarded to two pupils per class and Star of the Week pupils get the following rewards:

  • Certificate presented in Reception and children will take home Barnaby Bear for the weekend. Children are expected to take photos and parent to add to Tapestry with content about what they did.
  • Star of the week also get to bring in an item/object from home for show and tell on the Monday.

Contact Us

Temple Meadow Primary School
Wrights Lane
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 6RH

01384 569 021