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School Development Plan

We have a very detailed and comprehensive School Development Plan that supports school improvement and improving outcomes. Everything we do at Temple Meadow is underpinned by our agreed values and culture that permeate everything we do. 

We divide our SDP (School Development Plan) into two distinct areas: Operational SDP and Teaching & Learning SDPs.

We make no apology for how extensive and detailed they are as they support our leadership culture whereby we are clear regarding our intent in all areas of school life. 

We have many key priorities that include:

  • Raising standards and closing the gaps in Reading, Writing and Maths at all statutory points EYS, KS1 and KS2
  • Raising standards and closing the gaps in Reading, Writing and Maths at all non-statutory year groups (Nursery, Y1, Y3,Y4,Y5)
  • Meeting national standards in KS1 Phonics Screening and ensuring our Phonics and Reading curriculum, as well as our Reading 4 Life culture, works towards all children having the reading skills required to access the curriculum and for future success
  • Meeting national standards in the Times Table Check and working towards all children having rapid recall of multiplication facts key for future success
  • Ensuring our Early Years provision meets the requirements of the new framework but also ensures pupils are well settled and safe and extremely well-supported to learn
  • Maintaining our outstanding holistic safeguarding culture
  • Providing high quality SEND provision that supports our internal SEND Hub and ensures all children reach their potential and have the support needed for success
  • Closing the gap provision to accelerate closing the gaps created both academically and in terms of mental health and well-being following the impact of the pandemic 
  • High quality wider curriculum that excites, motivates and ensures children know and remember more and make connections
  • Continuing to hone and develop our Learning 4 Life curriculum that incorporates our values curriculum and our Relationship Education
  • Maintaining our excellent behaviour culture.

Our plans detailed below together with separate subject action plans support our our very strong leadership culture.

T&L SDP - Inclusion, SEND and CIC (Child in Care)


T&L SDP - Curriculum, Leadership and Management of Teaching and Learning

T&L SDP - Early Years

T&L SDP - English

T&L SDP - Maths

Operational SDP (School Development Plan)

Contact Us

Temple Meadow Primary School
Wrights Lane
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 6RH

01384 569 021