A trip down memory lane

Last week, we were fortunate to have a former pupil come back to visit our school. Alan Ashman was a pupil at Clifton Street Primary School (a previous name for Temple Meadow) in the late 1940s. The Head Boys and Girls, along with Miss Jones, gave Mr Ashman a tour of the school site; it was fascinating to hear his memories as the history of the school was explored. We were so pleased to hear that Mr Ashman enjoyed his visit; he was so complimentary of the children that he met, commenting that 'they were so smart in their uniforms and so polite' during his visit. Following the guided tour, Alan sent us the following lovely email:
Again, thank you so much for the warm welcome this afternoon from you and your staff. All the children I came into contact with were so polite and helpful. You should be very proud of them, they do you credit. I hope you all have a happy and peaceful Christmas and a good 2024 and beyond.
More information will follow regarding his visit/memories in our Spring pupil newsletter.