Dear Parents/Carers
This term, so far, has gone so quickly and we cannot believe we are already at the summer half-term point. We are looking forward to the carnival today and everyone has got their fingers crossed for decent weather. We will, of course, share images from the event on our website.
Closing this half-term, I'd like to say a very big thank you to all the Temple Meadow staff team for all their incredible hard work in every team.
A particular thank you to our Year 6 teaching team for their commitment and support to Year 6 learners and how sensitively they have supported Year 6 during our KS2 SATs week last week. We gave them a thank-you gift in STAR assembly this morning; presented by our Head Boys and Head Girls.
Perfect Planet
We are very involved in the Perfect Planet aspect of Learning 4 Life which is one of my personal favourites. Our Year 5 jungle garden has now been planted and although the plants seem quite small at the moment, I can guarantee that some of them will be quite spectacular, including our banana plants and tetrapanax.
After half-term, Year 6 will be deeply involved in their garden area under the cherry tree, now that Mr Hopkins, our Site Manager, has been able to build our raised beds. We will share more on the Perfect Planet project in future newsletters and on our website.
Pupil Parliament
Myself and Miss Dale met with our MP's and celebrated all the many things they have achieved this year, from designing attendance rewards; taking the lead on designing the trim trails on the playgrounds and working with a local MP linked to our crossing patrol concern. A particular thank you to Sam, Year 5 and his Parents, who have been instrumental as a point of contact from the local authority.
After half-term, some of our Year 5 and Year 6 MPs will be at a SHAPE conference. They are sharing their ideas on a bid worth £2000 which we are linking to our art take-home kits to support mental health and creativity across the school. I'll share much more on this should we be the lucky winners of the bid.