Dear Parents/Carers,
Visit from Team GB Athlete
Yesterday, we welcomed Joel Fearon (a Team GB athlete) into school. He led a really engaging assembly; sharing his story linked to the theme of bravery. Unbelievably, he is both a sprinter and a bobsleigh competitor. Thank you to Mrs Colwell for facilitating the visit. Please see the news article below for more information.
Visit from our MP James Morris
Last Friday, we were visited by our local MP James Morris. Again, please see the news article below for more information on what was a really engaging visit for our pupils.
New Poly Tunnel and Perfect Planet
Growing and planting is happening everywhere! We are delighted to have our new polytunnel ready to plant up. This week, Year 5 took the opportunity to do this as part of our Perfect Planet empowerment element of our Learning 4 Life curriculum. Their project is our Jungle Garden; I am very much looking forward to seeing all the many things we have planted come into bloom (there are cannas and dahlias and all kinds of beautiful exotic plants to compliment the permanent 'green' big leaf plants that we are also planting. Many more Perfect Planet projects are planned for and happening around school. Thank you to the Parents/Carers who have donated plants and to those taking part in the 'Sow and Grow' project in Early Years.